
Private support from donors gives the Department of Geography, Sustainability, Community, and Urban Studies an edge for excellence, allowing us to reward top scholarly efforts and to competitively recruit students and faculty.

Our Funds

Gifts to the Department are used for undergraduate scholarships, graduate fellowships, and for engagement activities like seminars, lectures, and community outreach. A gift may support an existing scholarship or fund, or it may create a new fund for current needs or an endowment to support programs into the future. Gifts may be made in honor of a faculty member or friend.

Geography Department

To support student experiential learning programs, guest speakers, and community outreach activities.

Urban Semester Director's Fund

To provide student aid and other programmatic needs and expenses for the Urban Semester Program.

Urban Studies Fund

To help UConn students and faculty study the historical, economic, geographic, social, and political factors that shape the communities in which we live.

Contact Us

For questions about giving to the Department or establishing a new fund, please contact a CLAS development officer.

To make a gift via mail or securities, please visit the How to Give to UConn page on the UConn Foundation website.