Anji Seth
Professor and Department Head
Department of Geography, Sustainability, Community, and Urban Studies
Ph.D., University of Michigan (1995)
Areas of Specialty
Dr. Seth’s research group focuses on the physical climate system, in particular, how regional climates are likely to evolve in the larger setting of human initiated global warming. We work with large global and regional observational datasets and numerical climate models to understand regional processes involved in monsoon regions and mid-latitude climates.
Current Research Interests
Regional Processes in Climate Change
Climate Modeling
Society and Climate
Selected Publications
Camargo, S. and A. Seth, 2016: Hottest summers the new normal. Environmental Research Letters, 11, 081001, doi:10.1088/1748-9326/11/8/081001.
Rojas, M., Arias, P., Flores-Aqveveque, V., Seth, A. and Vuille, M., 2016: The South American monsoon variability over the last millennium in climate models. Climate of the Past, 12, 1681– 1691, doi:10.5194/cp-12-1681-2016.
J. Thibeault and A. Seth, 2015: Toward the Credibility of Northeast United States Summer Precip- itation Projections in CMIP5 and NARCCAP Simulations, Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, 120(19), doi:10.1002/2015JD023177.
Seth, A., Fernandes, K., and Camargo, S. J., 2015: Two summers of Sao Paulo drought: Origins in the western tropical Pacific. Geophysical Research Letters, 42, 10,816-10,823, doi: 10.1002/2015GL066314.
J. Thibeault and A. Seth, 2014: Changing Climate Extremes in the Northeast U.S.: HadEX2 Observations and CMIP5 Simulations and Projections, Climatic Change, 127, 273287, doi: 10.1007/s10584-014-1257-2.
Seth, A., S. Rauscher, M. Biasutti, A. Giannini, S. Camargo, M. Rojas, 2013: CMIP5 Projected Changes in the Annual Cycle of Precipitation in Monsoon Regions, Journal of Climate, 26, 19, 7328-7351, doi:10.1175/JCLI-D-12-00726.1.
Valdivia, J. Thibeault, J. L. Gilles, M. Garca, and A. Seth, 2013: Climate trends and projections for the Andean Altiplano and strategies for adaptation, Advances in Geosciences, 33, 69-77, 2013.
Seth, A., S. Rauscher, M. Rojas, S. Camargo, A. Giannini, 2011: Enhanced spring convective barrier for monsoons in a warmer world?, Climatic Change Let.,104, 403–414, doi:10.1007/s10584-010- 9973-8.
Seth, A., J. Thibeault, M. Garcia, C. Valdivia, 2010: Making sense of 21st century climate change in the Altiplano: Observed trends and projections, Annals Amer. Assoc. Geog., 100, 835–847, doi:10.1080/00045608.2010.500193.
Valdivia, C., A. Seth, J. L. Gilles, M. Garcia, E. Jimenez, J. Cusicanqui, F. Navia, E. Yucra, 2010: Adapting to climate change in Andean ecosystems: Landscapes, capitals, and perceptions shaping rural livelihood strategies and linking knowledge systems, Annals Amer. Assoc. Geog., 100, 818–834, doi:10.1080/00045608.2010.500198. | |
Phone | 860-486-3204 |
Office Location | Philip E. Austin Building, Room 427 |
Campus | Storrs |
Courses | GEOG 1300: Climate, Weather, and the Environment GEOG 2300: Introduction to Physical Geography GEOG 3400: Climate and Weather GEOG 4300/5390: Advanced Physical Geography GEOG 6880: Advanced Topics in Human-Environment Dynamics |
Link | Research Website |