Chuanrong (Cindy) Zhang


Department of Geography, Sustainability, Community, and Urban Studies


Ph.D., Wisconsin-Milwaukee (2004)

Areas of Specialty

Geographic Information Science and Systems

Current Research Interests

  • Geographic Information Science
  • Spatial Economics
  • Spatial Analysis in Health, Transportation, and Environmental Science
  • Remote Sensing

Selected Publications

Zhang, C., T. Zhao, and W. Li. 2015. Geospatial Semantic Web. Springer. pp 194.

Zhang, C., T. Zhao, and W. Li. 2015. Towards an interoperable online volunteered geographic information system for disaster response. Journal of Spatial Science 60(2): 257-275 doi: 10.1080/14498596.2015.972996.

Li, W., C Zhang, M. Willig, D. Dey, G. Wang, and L. You. 2015. Bayesian Markov chain random field cosimulation for improving land cover classification accuracy. Mathematical Geosciences 47(2): 123-148.

Zhang, C., T. Zhao, L. Anselin, W. Li, and K. Chen. 2015. A map-reduce based parallel approach for improving query performance in a geospatial semantic web for disaster response. Earth Science Informatics 8:499-509, doi: 10.1007/s12145-014-0179-x.

Zhang, C., W. Li, and D. Civco. 2014. Application of geographically weighted regression to fill gaps in SLC-off Landsat ETM+ satellite imagery. International Journal of Remote Sensing 35(22): 7650-7672.

Funded Projects

Sept.1 2017—Aug.31 2020. “Processing and optimization of spatial knowledge queries of The National Map”. USGS. PIs: C. Zhang, T. Zhao, and W. Li

Aug.1 2014—Jan.1 2017. “CNH-Ex: Interactive Effects of Economics, Public Policy, Land Use Change, and Invasive Plants in Long Island Sound Watersheds”. NSF, Dynamics of Coupled Natural and Human Systems (CNH) program. UCONN PIs: C. Zhang, J. Allen, J. Silander, M. Boyer, and K. Segerson.

Cindy Zhang
Contact Information
Office LocationPhilip E. Austin Building, Room 425
CoursesGEOG 5600: Spatial Data Analysis GEOG 5610: Spatial Statistics and Modeling
LinkPersonal Website