Hanlin Zhou

Assistant Professor

Department of Geography, Sustainability, Community, and Urban Studies


Ph.D., University of Toronto (2024)

Areas of Speciality

  • GIS
  • Human behaviors
  • Public health
  • Environmental criminology
  • Geospatial artificial intelligence

Current Research Interests

Geographic Information Science and Systems

Human-Environment Dynamics

Spatial Analysis of Social Issues

Selected Publications

Zhou, H., Wang, J., Widener, M., & Wilson, K. (2024). Examining the relationship between active transport and exposure to streetscape diversity during travel: A study using GPS data and street view imagery. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems110, 102105.

Zhou, H., Liu, L., Wang, J., Wilson, K., Lan, M., & Gu, X. (2024). A Multiscale Assessment of the Impact of Perceived Safety from Street View Imagery on Street Crime. Annals of the American Association of Geographers114(1), 69-90.

Zhou, H., Wang, J., & Wilson, K. (2022). Impacts of perceived safety and beauty of park environments on time spent in parks: Examining the potential of street view imagery and phone-based GPS data. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation115, 103078.

Zhou, H., Kim, G., Wang, J., & Wilson, K. (2022). Investigating the association between the socioeconomic environment of the service area and fast food visitation: A context-based crystal growth approach. Health & place76, 102855.

Liu, L., Zhou, H., & Lan, M. (2022). Agglomerative effects of crime attractors and generators on street robbery? An assessment by Luojia 1-01 satellite nightlight. Annals of the American Association of Geographers112(2), 350-367.

Photo of Hanlin Zhau
Contact Information
Office LocationPhilip E. Austin Building, Room 433
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