Nathaniel Trumbull

Associate Professor and Graduate Program Coordinator

Department of Geography, Sustainability, Community, and Urban Studies


Ph.D., University of Washington (2006)

Areas of Specialty

Spatial Analysis of Social Issues

Human-Environment Dynamics

Current Research Interests

  • Coastal Management
  • Water Resources Planning and Management
  • Urban and Community Development
  • Regional Planning
  • Geographic Information Systems

Selected Publications

“Navigating towards tomorrow in the urban sea: the challenges and opportunities of Maritime Spatial Planning in Long Island Sound,” co-authored with Syma Ebbin, Sea Grant Law and Policy Journal, 8:1, 15-82.

“Culture-led Development and Conflict over Urban Space: Refashioning St. Petersburg, Russia.” 96 (1), 1-22. Geografiska Annaler: Series B, March 2014.

“Restructuring socialist housing estates and its impact on residents’ perceptions: “Renovatsiia” of khrushchevki in St. Petersburg, Russia. 1-17. GeoJournal, February 2014.

“Assessing the Nutrient Loading on the Eastern Gulf of Finland (Baltic Sea) from the Russian Catchment Area,” co-authored with Sergey Kondratyev (first author), Journal of Hydrology and Hydromechanics, 2012, Vol. 60, No. 3, 145-151.

“Environmental Degradation of Russian Coastal Regions: The Case of the Gulf of Finland,” co-authored with Oleg Bodrov, Eurasian Geography and Economics, Vol. 50, No. 5, 2009, pp 1-15.

Funded Research Projects

“Creating a Blue Heritage Trail for Southeast Connecticut: Maritime History, Economy and Ecology,” National Maritime Heritage Grant, National Park Service, 2017-2019.

“Best practices of decommissioning of nuclear power plants in the U.S. and Russia,” PI, grant of U.S. State Department, 2014-16.

“The environmental and economic impacts of moorage marinas on the West Coast,” Co-PI, grant of Washington Sea Grant, 2014-18.

Contact Information
Office LocationAvery Point
CampusAvery Point
CoursesGEOG 2500: Introduction to GIS GEOG 3320W: Environmental Evaluation and Assessment GEOG 3340: Environmental Planning and Management MARN 4002: Science and the Coastal Environment