William Berentsen

Professor Emeritus

Department of Geography, Sustainability, Community, and Urban Studies


Ph.D., Ohio State University (1976)

Current Research Interests

  • Regional Development and Policy
  • Central Europe and the USA

Selected Publications

W.H. Berentsen and Robert G. Cromley (2013), “Regional Income Inequalities among EU NUTS 2 Regions, 1995 and 2010: Perspectives from a Geographically Weighted Approach”. Mitteilungen der Österreichischen Geographischen Gesellschaft [Annals of the Austrian Geographical Society] 155, pp. 45-60.

W.H. Berentsen (2014), “The Northeast”. In: Atlas of the 2012 Election,  J. Clark Archer; Fiona Davidson; Erin H. Fouberg; Kenneth C. Martis; Richard L. Morrill; Fred M. Shelley; Robert H. Watrel and Gerald R. Webster (eds.), (Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield), pp. 127-130.

W.H. Berentsen (2015), “Landscape Eras of Upland Eastern Connecticut”. FOCUS on Geography, 58 (4), pp. 184-193.

W.H. Berentsen (2017), “Geographical Impacts of Eastern Germany’s Inclusion within the EU: 1990-2014”. In: 10 Years of EU Eastern Enlargement. The Geographical Balance of a Courageous Step. ISR Research Reports, Heft 42, pp. 65-82. (ISR – The Institute for Urban and Regional Research, Austrian Academy of Sciences).

W.H. Berentsen, (Feb. 2018), “The Northeast”. In: Atlas of the 2016 Election, Watrel, Robert H.; Ryan Weichelt; Fiona Davidson; John Heppen; Erin H. Fouberg; J. Clark Archer; Richard L. Morrill; Fred M. Shelley; Kenneth C. Martis (eds.), (Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield). ISBN: 978-1-5381-0422-4.

William Berentsen
Contact Information