Xiang (Peter) Chen

Assistant Professor

Department of Geography, Sustainability, Community, and Urban Studies


Ph.D., The Ohio State University (2014)

Areas of Specialty

  • GIS and big data analytics
  • Food access and community health
  • Transportation modeling

Current Research Interests

Geographic Information Science and Systems

Human-Environment Dynamics

Spatial Analysis of Social Issues

Selected Publications

Chen X, Jia P. (2019). A comparative analysis of accessibility measures by the two-step floating catchment area (2SFCA) method. International Journal of Geographical Information Science, online first.

Chen X. (2019). Enhancing the two-step floating catchment area model for community food access mapping: Case of Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program. The Professional Geographer, online first.

Chen X, Wang D, Chen J, Wang C, Shen M. (2018). The mixed pixel effect in land surface phenology: A simulation study. Remote Sensing of Environment, 211, 338–344.

Chen X, Kwan M. (2015). Contextual uncertainties, human mobility, and perceived food environment: The uncertain geographic context problem in food access research. American Journal of Public Health, 105(9), 1734–1737.

Chen X, Kwan M. (2012). Choice set formation with multiple flexible activities under space-time constraints. International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 26(5), 941-961.

Xiang (Peter) Chen
Contact Information
Office LocationPhilip E. Austin Building, Room 431
CoursesGEOG 2505: Applications of GIS, GEOG 4516/5516: Fundamentals of Spatial Database Systems
LinkPersonal Website